Do you want to make your home self-sufficient and no longer be connected to the national electricity grid? Control your impact on the environment and consume your own electricity production?
It is the dream of many of us… But to become 100% autonomous in electricity can seem impossible if we think of the change of weather, season, its desire for comfort, the consumption of electrical appliances, heating etc…
But don’t be afraid! Being independent in electricity is possible! By choosing your equipment well and perhaps correcting some of your (bad ^^) habits.
So how do you achieve complete self-sufficiency in electricity? Solar panels, wind turbine, hydro turbine, which production system to choose? This article tells you everything you need to know about making your own electricity.

Electrical autonomy is only possible by installing an efficient electrical production system AND by implementing a reasonable energy consumption.
New ways of consuming that will both contribute to your eco-responsible approach and avoid unnecessarily drawing electricity stored in your batteries at the risk of running out of steam!
If you haven’t already done so, you will have to start by improving your electricity consumption by adopting new habits on a daily basis, such as
- Turn off unused electrical appliances (even on standby they consume)
- Don’t leave chargers plugged in
- Wash laundry at low temperature and dry it in the open air
- Stop the hot water balloon when you’re away
In addition to these small energy-saving measures, you should also install energy-efficient electrical equipment, such as:
- Low-energy LED bulbs indoors, sun bulbs on the outside
- Electric appliances class A energy (VMC, water heater, refrigerator, etc…)
You may also prefer non-electrified appliances. For example for heating with a pellet stove, gas for cooking, or a solar water heater.
Heating is a very important point to take into account in your electrical autonomy since it can account for up to 65% of your energy consumption if you live in a traditional dwelling.
The so-called “passive houses” will optimize and save heating with excellent insulation of walls and windows. Their heating consumption is thus reduced by almost 90%. As for the Tiny Houses If this is your alternative housing project, its small size is once again an advantage since it needs little heating thanks to its small surface area!

Once you have implemented these new energy consumption reflexes and energy-efficient equipment, you will have to calculate your electricity needs before choosing the electrical production system that suits you.
To do this, read your electricity meter over several days. This will allow you to establish an average of the Watts you consume daily.
Be careful, you will still have to add a margin for the days when you will consume more or when your production system will provide less electricity because of bad weather.
This calculation of the Watts consumed will allow you to set limits of electrical consumption not to exceed.
With all this data, you’ll finally be able to get down to business: choosing your renewable energy supply system!
Whichever system you choose, the electricity produced will be stored in batteries . Batteries that, in general, provide between 12 and 15 volts. The electrical appliances in the house operate on 220 volts, so don’t forget to add a converter.
Regarding the management of your electricity, you should know that there are now intelligent solutions that allow you to distribute the energy produced to the appliances in the house (more information on Eco Infos Energies Renouvelables).
Finally, before choosing your electricity production system, don’t forget thatelectrical autonomy is linked to nature: sun, wind, water.
As a result, your production may sometimes be less efficient. To avoid ending up without any electricity, you can plan a generator, some models running on biofuel.

The installation of photovoltaic panels is the most widely used system for producing electricity yourself.
Of course, some people may be reluctant to install them because of the environmental impact caused by their very unenvironmental manufacturing… However, their environmental balance is balanced by their non-consumption of fossil fuels for their operation.
It is also a more economical way to produce electricity than wind turbines. Indeed, solar kits are increasingly efficient and less expensive, so they allow a faster return on investment.
According to theADEME, 5 m2 of solar panels are enough to produce the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of a family of 4 people (excluding heating)!
To be even more precise and to help you compare with your own consumption of Watts per year, it is estimated that1 m2 of photovoltaic panels produces about 100 kW/year. Do not hesitate to visit the specialized site of MyShop solaire, distributor of solar kits to assemble oneself (autonomous, self-construction, hybrid,…) with whom we collaborate for the realization of our Tiny Houses, to study the various types of installation of solar panels.

By definition, wind turbines are powered by wind. Not with just a passing breeze, no. With winds of at least 14 km/h.
They are therefore more variable in their performance since they depend on the strength of the wind and also on the size of the blades.
Domestic wind turbines are a very good way to complement a photovoltaic installation, as the two systems work alternately depending on the weather.
In terms of renewable energy production, domestic wind turbines (from 8 kw to 30 kw depending on the model) provide between 10,000 and 50,000 kw/year.
You should also know that the installation of a wind turbine of less than 12 meters is not subject to authorization. Be careful not to forget to consult the PLU of your town (or any other text referring to it)!
Similarly, you cannot be too advised to discuss this also upstream with your neighbours. In order to avoid any future neighbourhood conflict…
Finally, there are of course a multitude of models of domestic wind turbines available from various suppliers. of different capacities, dimensions and design like the very original models ofwind trees from the French company Neo World Wine.

The micro-hydro turbine is a cleaner but much less widespread renewable energy production facility.
As this method of electricity production only works with the force of the current, it can be a complementary device to solar panels to be 100% self-sufficient.
Provided, of course, that you have a waterfall or a stream on your property.
To install the micro hydroturbine it is necessary to concentrate the hydraulic energy on a natural slope with a water height higher than 2 meters. It may be necessary to develop the watercourse.
The installation and the electrical production of your micro-hydro turbine depend on the specific characteristics of your watercourse, it is difficult to indicate its capacity of electrical production. However, we advise you to visit the site, you will find all the necessary information on for example how to realize your hydraulic turbine, to determine the topology of your ground, or the various models of hydro-electric turbines which exist.
To conclude, do not forget to consult the public aids to which you are entitled if you install a renewable energy production system on : self-consumption bonus, zero rate eco-loan, tax credit, etc…
You want to know more about our Tiny Houses? Contact the BIMIFY team 🙂.
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