Whether one is looking for information to build your own tiny house, know the stages in building a mini house on wheels, find ideas for mini house plans or simply in search of inspiration and ideas there are lots of books, documentaries and series on the subject, and new ones are coming out all the time!
The Bimify team has concocted especially for you a list of books in French on tiny houses to discover. You can get them online either at Cultura , the Fnac or at Mollat , among others, in paper or ebook format; either at your neighbourhood bookstore or on the sites of independent bookstores ( placedeslibraires.fr / librairiesindependantes.com) or buy second-hand on Momox or Recyclivre :

Tiny House Vivre Autrement / Eric Valz / Casa Editions
Tiny houses conquer the world. This frugal, innovative and wonderful way of life is made available to everyone in this practical guide offering concrete advice to carry out all projects. Brimming with ideas and sources of inspiration, it allows us to share the stories of those around the world who have taken the plunge and changed their lives. Many emblematic examples allow us to know everything about this new ecological habitat, full of promise for a better world.

Tiny houses Small constructions, great freedom! / Elisabeth Nodinot, Mickaël Desloges, Bruno Thiery / Editions Rustica
Tiny houses, literally “tiny houses”, are attracting more and more French people: offering freedom and autonomy, they are the embodiment of a new way of life, deeply rooted in ecological reflection.
Nomadism and minimalism are the key words of this rolling habitat that has adapted to offer maximum comfort in a small space.
This book opens the doors of the mini-houses designed by the first French tiny house construction company.
Take advantage of the planning advice and discover room by room the design methods as well as all the essential information to know before starting: budget, legislation, energy, land, travel, insurance…
Do not hesitate… tiny houses, a philosophy of life to adopt without delay!

My life in tiny house / Eve Marcorelles / Editions Rustica
A couple, two children, a tiny… all year round!
From the dream project to the construction, from the discoveries of the installation to the new daily habits, from the great joys to the small disappointments…
Here are anecdotes, practical tips and tricks, given in friendship by our family of pioneers tiny housers: design, budget, legislation, energy, land, travel, insurance, development and decoration, well-being and daily life, ecology, minimalism …
Through this book, discover the innovative life experience of this freedom-loving family.

Tiny house Le nid qui voyage / Célia Robert, Bruno Thiery, Yvan Saint-Jours / Editions YpyPyp
A first part composed of twelve tiny houses detailed in photographs with many legends and stories of the inhabitants, and a second consisting of a technical notebook presenting in detail the realization of a tiny house.

Tiny house Small spaces, big dreams / Brent Heavener / Editions La Martinière
Presentation in images of tiny houses that testify to a desire to simplify both architecture and lifestyle.

Small eco-houses / Evergreen Collective / Trilingual edition
Increased environmental awareness, recent technical discoveries, as well as a return to traditional construction methods, such as orientation according to the sun, are leading many project owners to build small ecological houses.
This type of housing is the first step towards a more sustainable and responsible architectural policy.
Moreover, it is not only a question of using more natural building materials, of reducing energy consumption in an exemplary way and of avoiding polluting substances.
It is above all a question of creating small oases generating a higher quality of life, for the benefit of its inhabitants.
A host of examples show the architectural charm of ecological houses, whether they are made of stone, wood or cob.
The wide range of environmentally friendly materials allows architects to consider individual solutions for each project.
This book illustrates, thanks to the small ecological houses selected here, what is achievable in the field of sustainable construction.
It proposes concrete architectural alternatives. Long considered architectural curiosities, environmentally friendly ecological houses set the standards for tomorrow’s construction.

Published on 09.02.22 Imagine ma Tiny House/ Fanny Moritz / Edition Nautllus Médias
Former model in Hong Kong who became a figure of the “Zero Waste” movement.
Fanny Moritz went to the end of her approach by building a tiny-house.
Here she details what you need to know before embarking on such a project. The history of these minimalist houses, but above all, step by step, the questions that must be asked, the choices that arise, the arguments in favor of this or that option, etc …
A guide that is both informative and very practical to allow you to embark, in turn, on a Tiny-house construction project when you do not know much, or nothing, at the beginning…

Published on 22.03.22 My wild nights: the tiny house phenomenon / Sylvie Pérenne / Edition Bookelis
Sylvie has everything plated. The comfort of a conventional life, his big house in the forest, his guy, everything except his job!
And she went to live in a van, alone, then equipped only with a hammock, in the Alsatian forests and mountains.
She tells us, with authenticity, this double life between her osteopathic practice during the day and her wild adventures at night. Until the discovery of the habitat of his dreams: a Tiny House …
Quickly, she sees in this tiny house her paradise.
We then embark with her in the construction of this unusual dream and yet within everyone’s reach, that of living in 12m2.
This exploration is not without questioning our lifestyles, our way of consuming, of cluttering ourselves with the useless and our link to nature.
Want more? Many reports and YouTube videos have been made on the tiny houses!
You will find them very easily by typing “tiny house report” in your search engine. We have listed some of them to discover in this article:

Report Brut Média “Sophie chose to live in a tiny house”
Sylvie has chosen to live in a “tiny house”, a very small house of less than 20m². And it really suits him. She tells.

Brut Média report “ Tiny house: Brut visited Sylvie’s little house”
Last summer, Sylvie presented us her new “tiny house”, a house of less than 20m².
Today, she lives there, and she does not regret anything. Brut found her at home. Visit.

Tiny House Livingston YouTube channel “Living in TINY HOUSE: we take stock 1 year later!”
In this video we look back on our first year of life in our autonomous and nomadic Tiny house. Not to mention technical, here it is the comfort of life that interests us. Life as a couple, the advantages, the disadvantages and some surprises are on the menu of this episode.

Report Department of Côtes d’Armor
“Ty village: tiny houses in Saint-Brieuc”
Ty village is a student village of ‘tiny houses’, located on the Armor campus in Saint-Brieuc.
Meet Aurélie, project manager and discover life in these small optimized houses.

And yes! There is also a Netflix series dedicated to tiny houses !
2 seasons of Tiny House Nation are currently available with each 7 episodes of about 40 minutes.
John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin travel the United States to help families adopt a new lifestyle in custom-made miniature homes.
Well, of course, it’s American style and sometimes in excess… (to their credit, they do not have the same weight and size regulations regarding Tiny Houses as in Europe …) but this series can give you good inspirations for the development of your future mini home !
Do not hesitate to consult our Blog articles to learn more about tiny houses!
Do you have any questions? Would you like to receive a quote corresponding to your tiny house project? Visit our tinyhouse-bimify.fr website or contact@bimify.fr!